Healthy flirting is the best way to initiate a conversation when you begin to date. We bring you some flirty quotes for her, which are funny and help you break the monotony of being serious in a relationship. Always ensure to keep the flirting within healthy limits, and ensure your partner is enjoying it too. Flirting shows your interest in her, and the quotes are one of the best ways to convey your inner feelings to her. So, dive into this post for some flirty quotes that will make her consider your feelings.

Romantic Flirty Quotes For Her

  1. No matter how horrible I may be feeling, when you smile, you just make everything alright.
  2. I wonder how my life would be if I hadn't met you.
  3. There isn't a word in the dictionary that can explain your type of beauty.
  4. I'm trying my best to fall asleep, but I just can't stop thinking about you.
  5. You know you are pretty, pretty amazing!
  6. They say nothing lasts forever. Will you be my nothing?
  7. I can't pluck up enough courage to tell you how much I admire you. So, I guess I will keep it to myself.
  8. Each time I see you, your smile gives me light.
  9. Hey, I am planning for the future and wanted to ask if you are available forever.
  10. Your most outstanding quality is your kindness. You make me a better person.
  11. When I get home, be ready because I am not letting you go. Not for a second. I miss you so much.
  12. You can stop looking now. You have found me.
  13. To be with you, that's all I want.
  14. You may be out of my sight, but you are never out of my mind.
  15. Damn, that smile! It kills me.
  16. You are amazing. I just thought you should know.
  17. I can't wait to see you tonight.
  18. I am counting down the hours until I get to see you.
  19. I'm going to hop in the shower. Care to join?
  20. You really are the woman of my dreams.
  21. I love the intimate connection that we both share.
  22. You are like my morning coffee — you power me through the day.
  23. I always have a good night's sleep when I am with you.
  24. What about canceling all our plans and just staying in bed all weekend?
  25. I am still thinking about how amazing last night was.
  26. I am still thinking about the first time I saw you.
  27. I love how you make romance feel effortless.
  28. If you realized how beautiful you are, you'd fall at your own feet.
  29. Your beauty is immeasurable.
  30. I wish I were your mirror so that I could look at you every morning.
  31. God created the world in six days and rested on the seventh day, but it took him thousands of years to make someone as perfect as you.
  32. You are constantly in my thoughts, and surely, you have occupied a place in my heart.
  33. I can't wait for tomorrow! You become more beautiful with every passing day.
  34. How many stars have you counted as you were falling from the sky, little angel? I have never seen such a graceful yet humble beauty. Can you teach me the language of angels? I promise to be the most grateful student.
  35. I believe in real magic because of your existence.
  36. Can you tell me the secret to your heavenly beauty?
  37. I think of you only twice a day. While I am doing something, and when I am sitting idle.
  38. Still working away, but I wanted to take a break to say goodnight to the prettiest girl in my life.
  39. Having trouble sleeping because I need to tell you I miss and love you.
  40. I don't think you understand how important it is for me to hear your voice every day.
  41. I may not be a photographer, but I sure can picture us together forever.
  42. Your hand fits in mine like it's made just for me.
  43. My life is perfect because I am with you.
  44. When words aren't enough to tell you how great you've been, I remind myself I need to kiss you.
  45. I feel comfortable being myself when I'm around you.
  46. You've seen me at my best and my worst, yet love me anyway.
  47. I wanted to ask you out, but I figured I'd start by sending you a text message.
  48. Any plans after work? I might just have a little idea up my sleeve that I'm sure you'd like…a lot.
  49. "(Insert song) just came on my Spotify radio… thought of you :)"
  50. My dog wants you to know that he misses you.
  51. You know what? I owe you big time. Most of the time, I am happy because of you.
  52. Your beautiful face looks like a field of flowers.
  53. If loving you is a crime, I would not mind going to jail.
  54. I can't imagine how my life can be if I am loved by someone as pretty, as sweet, and as wonderful as you. Do you think you can make that imagination come into reality?
  55. My heart is empty. Can you stay there and make my life whole again?
  56. Can you say that I am stupid if my mind contains nothing, nothing but thoughts of you?
  57. Hi, I am not good at directions, and I need you to help me. Do you mind telling me where the shortest way to your heart is? Because I really want to get there fast and stay there forever.
  58. I'm so in love. Every time I look at you, my soul gets dizzy.
  59. When I want to smile, I know what to do. I just close my eyes and think of you.
  60. I will love you for a thousand years.
  61. Could you stop being so lovely? You're driving me crazy.
  62. Of all your beautiful curves, your smile is my favorite one.
  63. I have so much to do, but I keep getting distracted thinking about you.
  64. Sweet dreams, baby! I hope I am in them.
  65. Looking forward to cuddling with you later.
  66. I know we just saw each other, but I miss you already.
  67. I love the way you make me feel.
  68. How is the most beautiful woman on the earth doing this morning?
  69. I wish I were waking up to your smile.
  70. I hate goodnights because it means I am extolling the time you spend away from me. What I want to truly say is that I can't wait to see you again.
  71. I'll dream about you if you dream about me. Deal?
  72. I wish I were there to hold you tight, instead of just sending you this loving "Goodnight message."
  73. People who know me call me by different names. I do not actually care. But with you, I'd prefer you to call me "mine."
  74. You know, I do not do this often, but you are incredibly cute, and I can't help but ask for your number.
  75. I can feel our chemistry through our reactions toward each other.
  76. I have been having trouble going to sleep lately, so I went to the doctor. The doctor said I need a dose of hugs, a lot of kisses, and an unlimited supply of cuddles. Do you mind being my medicine?
  77. I want your mind, your strength. I want to be worth your time.
  78. I got my eyes on you. You're everything that I see; I want your hot love and emotion. Endlessly.
  79. I love you. That is the beginning and the end. That is everything.
  80. From the first time I saw you, I've belonged to you completely. I still do.
  81. I think the way the sun shines on you has nothing to do with the sun but everything to do with you.
  82. Meeting you was worth all my expectations; you have altered my world, and surely, you have become my life.
  83. I hope your day consists of green traffic lights, fast lines at the supermarket, and all the quickest routes that will bring you back in my arms.
  84. You've got the best sense of humor.
  85. My pillow still smells like you, and I'm totally okay with that.
  86. People say that nothing is eternal, but that was before the emergence of our love.
  87. Thank you for reminding me what butterflies feel like.
  88. You make my soul happy.

Funny Flirty Quotes

  1. You're like a twister; you just blow me away.
  2. How are you still single?
  3. I just saw the new picture you uploaded. Looking hotter than ever.
  4. Did you smile when you saw my name pop up on your phone just now?
  5. I really like our friendship, especially when we make out.
  6. Hi. My name is Mr. Right. Someone said you were looking for me.
  7. It is not my fault I fell for you. You tripped me.
  8. You look great today. I know I haven't seen you today, but you look great every day.
  9. Can I borrow a kiss? I promise I will give it back.
  10. I tried very hard to stop thinking about you. I failed.
  11. Come live in my heart. It is rent-free.
  12. You remind me of my next girlfriend.
  13. I am not flirting. I'm just extra friendly to someone who is extra attractive.
  14. Let's flip a coin. Heads I am yours, and tails you are mine.
  15. I looked hot today. You missed out.
  16. Kiss me if I am wrong, but the earth is flat, right?
  17. I hope you don't plan on wearing clothes when you come home.
  18. You are my best friend with added benefits.
  19. Want me to cook dinner tonight? The dress code is: "aprons only."
  20. I am picturing us on a sandy beach. Ready for a vacation?
  21. I'd like to make you breakfast in bed tomorrow. What do you think?
  22. I'm sorry you are having a bad day. I'll make sure you have a good night.
  23. I'm feeling a little adventurous. Maybe later, we can take that feeling to the bedroom.
  24. Feel like breaking some rules tonight?
  25. They say kissing burns calories. Want to burn them?
  26. I don't mind hot and spicy. I actually find that appealing in a girl.
  27. You are turning me into an insomniac!
  28. People around me must be thinking that I'm really drunk right now because I am so intoxicated by you.
  29. If I took you on a date, which place should I choose?
  30. Would you let me be your genie for an evening?
  31. Can we sneak away for coffee?
  32. Do you miss me? Type "Y" for yes.
  33. Wow! You're playing hard-to-get already? Aren't we moving a little too fast, lady? We haven't even dated yet!
  34. Stop sending me mixed signals and start sending me memes.
  35. I hope you find my willingness to text first attractive.
  36. Now that I've officially texted you, I'm going to be obsessively staring at my phone, waiting for it to beep, so don't keep me waiting.
  37. You know, too much of anything is bad. You are so adorable, and that is bad for me because I am madly falling in love with you.
  38. Am I going to die now? Because there's an angel in front of me.
  39. What is your height? I am just wondering how you were able to fit in my heart. But stay there as long as you want.
  40. I heard that the best way to get over someone is to get under someone else.
  41. Clever as the devil and twice as pretty.
  42. I love you not only for what you are but for what I am when I am with you.
  43. If you were a bullet, I would shoot myself to have you in me.
  44. "You are enough to drive a saint to madness or a king to his knees." – Grace Willows, To Kiss A King
  45. Baby, where we're going, you won't need a shirt.
  46. Don't get me wrong. I'm happy to be your morning lollipop, but I need to eat, too.
  47. Sweetheart, I have no intention of denying you a thing.
  48. Are you tired? You should be! You've been running through my mind all day.
  49. If this world has a lot of women like you, it would be a great world to live in. You are a rare creature, and I like you. Do you think there's a chance that you like me, too?
  50. They should not allow you in this bar because you will make us guys go crazy.
  51. You know what? I got this feeling that if I did not talk to you now, I would regret this forever. So, here I am, with all the guts I have gathered. Could I ask you your name because I am pretty sure I saw you smiling at me, and I am pretty sure you would not mind giving me your number either. What do you think?
  52. You have lips, and I have lips. Interesting, isn't it?
  53. Is it impossible for you to do anything without looking beautiful?
  54. I must be a light bulb because you just turned me on.
  55. It's a good thing I wore gloves today. Otherwise, you'd be too hot to handle.
  56. Roses are red, violets are blue, the sun is hot, and so are you.
  57. I think I can die happy now coz I've just seen a piece of heaven.
  58. If you stood in front of a mirror holding 11 roses, you would see 12 of the most beautiful things in this word.
  59. Before I met you, I never knew what it was like to look at someone and smile for no reason.
  60. Recently, I have read in some paper that there is a high probability that I like you. Do you think there's a probability that you like me too?
  61. If I had a candy every time I thought of you, I'd be fat.
  62. I wish I was your teddy bear.
  63. I guess your parents are bakers because they made such a cutie pie.
  64. Hot shower (noun): a regular shower but with me in it.
  65. Could you send me your picture so that I can send Santa my wishlist?
  66. Do you like my shirt? It is made of boyfriend material.
  67. Good girlfriends are hard to find. I'm the world's greatest detective.
  68. Seeing your name pop up on my phone screen makes me grin like an idiot.
  69. My face hurts from all the smiling I've done thinking about you. Good night.
  70. If I were the last guy on earth, would you date me?
  71. I'm jealous of everyone who will get to meet you today.
  72. I like you. What are you going to do about that?
  73. Hey! Stop thinking so much about me!
  74. I was told that kissing cures depression and stress, and right now, I am really stressed. Would you mind taking this stress off of me?
  75. I wish I could be your homework, so you'll spend time with me every night.
  76. If you were a tear, I would never cry in fear of losing you.
  77. Oops! I lost my mobile number! Could I have yours?
  78. If your heart were a prison, I would like to be sentenced for life.
  79. Do you believe in love at first sight or should I walk by again?
  80. Why are you so cute?
  81. I can't even remember the last time we spoke. We need to change that.
  82. Do you like it when someone makes the first move?
  83. Our first kiss is going to be epic, don't you think?
  84. Which emoji makes you think of me?
  85. How have you gone so long without messaging me? I'm such a delight.
  86. Do you have plans this weekend?
  87. I have Netflix on, but no one to snuggle with. Think you can help me out?

Using flirty quotes for her can be the best way to start a conversation through texts. You may choose quotes that compliment and appreciate your women. A beautiful quote can make her feel how important she is to you and how much you care about her. Remember to engage in healthy flirting so your partner can enjoy the conversation rather than getting annoyed. Flirting helps convey your deeper interests joyfully, generates positivity in a relationship, and strengthens your bond.

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Sanjana did her graduation in Pharmacy and post graduation in management. It was during her first job, she recognized her skills in writing and began working as a freelance writer. Later, she completely moved into content writing and began working as a full-time content writer. Sanjana's articles in MomJunction cover topics related to new parenting and relationships. A fitness enthusiast... more